Even though saving teeth is a dentist's top aim, it frequently becomes necessary to pull the tooth. The discomfort associated with the process in the clinic is one of the main worries when thinking about having a tooth extracted. We offer sedation dentistry for tooth extractions and other dental treatments per patient request in order to minimize the amount of pain and discomfort that may result from these procedures. There are various reasons why a dentist or orthodontist could decide to remove a tooth. Even with root canal therapy, the tooth may be irreversibly affected by decay to the point where it cannot be saved. It might also be causing malocclusion, or a poor bite, which makes it difficult to grow a new tooth. A dentist uses forceps to hold the tooth in place while moving it back and forth to loosen it from the bone during the straightforward extraction process. If a tooth is partially through the gum, it could be required to remove the gum that is on top of it. The area where the tooth was removed is where a blood clot forms after the procedure. Removing the clot is not necessary because it aids in the healing process.
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